Remove fuel line(s) and connections from the fuel
injector(s) as well as the injector hold-down bolt and fork.
Slip the PowerPull™ Pad into the valve cover where the
fuel injector hold-down passes through.
Place the fork with the jack screw fully retracted and push
the lift fork up tight against the injector until it aligns with
the PowerPad indent. Using a 3/8” drive ratchet with hex
socket attached, turn clockwise until the injector lifts free.
PowerPull™ Slide Hammer Kit (PMXPHR100A)
For more difficult injector removal, attach the slide
assembly to the ProAdapter™ as shown in the photo to
the right and use quick action to remove the injector. For
even more challenging injector removal, add tension to the
lift kit by turning the jackscrew and utilize the slide hammer
assembly to shock the injector loose.
PowerPull™ ProAdapter™ (PMXPWA100)
Slide a small pry bar under the ridge of the ProAdapter
and apply leverage to remove as shown in the middle
photo to the right.
TIP: Tap the top of your pry bar to shock the injector loose.
Air-Hammer Applied PowerPull Lift Kit
For the most difficult injector extraction, seat the jackscrew directly over the hold-down bolt hole in the valve cover. Set
you air hammer punch (PMX recommends the LT-1910
punch) into the divot of the fork, Do NOT push on your
air hammer, we are not using the punch to remove the
injector, we are using the vibration of your hair hammer to
vibrate it loose. Simply rest the air hammer chisel on the
fork and use the vibration to loosen the injector. pushing
on your air hammer engages the hammer function to
exert impact function which is unnecessary and may
damage the valve cover.