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‎After 1pm EST, Expedited Orders are NOT Guaranteed to Ship Same Day | UPS Ground Processing Time is 1-3 Business Days ‏‏‎ Going to SEMA? See What's NEW from Milton Industries • Booth #37183 • Nov. 5-8 • Las Vegas, NV

Let’s Put The Power Back Into The Power Stroke

A truck sitting in the shop doesn’t do any work. The most common problems techs run into when working on Ford Power Stroke engines include broken bolts on the EGR Mounting Tube, Busted Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolts, Snapped Exhaust Manifold Studs and Stuck Fuel Injectors. ProMAXX Tool has an entire lineup of tech-tested specialty tool kits that shorten repair times, reduce costs and make Power Stroke mechanics more productive.


A truck sitting in the shop doesn’t do any work. The most common problems techs run into when working on Ford Power Stroke engines include broken bolts on the EGR Mounting Tube, Busted Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolts, Snapped Exhaust Manifold Studs and Stuck Fuel Injectors. ProMAXX Tool has an entire lineup of tech-tested specialty tool kits that shorten repair times, reduce costs and make Power Stroke mechanics more productive.

Combine & Save Between $100 & $250 New Power Stroke Packages

Broken Egr Mounting Tube Bolt • Broken Fuel Injector Hold-Down Bolt Broken Exhaust Manifold Bolt • Quickly Pull Power Stroke Fuel Injectors

Power Stroke Charlie: Hold Down Bolt Prokit Plus & Fuel Injector Puller

Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
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Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby

Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby

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Power Stroke Bravo: Hold Down Bolt Prokit & Fuel Injector Puller

Power Stroke Package - CHARLIE Ford 6.7L Power Stroke
Power Stroke Package - CHARLIE Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit Plus And Fuel Injector Puller
Ford 6.7L PowerPull Hammer Fuel Injector Puller
ord 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair
Power Stroke Package - CHARLIE Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit Plus And Fuel Injector Puller
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Power Stroke Package - CHARLIE Ford 6.7L Power Stroke
Power Stroke Package - CHARLIE Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit Plus And Fuel Injector Puller
Ford 6.7L PowerPull Hammer Fuel Injector Puller
ord 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair
Power Stroke Package - CHARLIE Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit Plus And Fuel Injector Puller

Power Stroke Package - CHARLIE Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit Plus And Fuel Injector Puller

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Power Stroke Alpha: Egr Tube Mounting Bolt & Fuel Injector Puller

Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair
Power Stroke Package - BRAVO Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit And Fuel Injector Puller
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller
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Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair
Power Stroke Package - BRAVO Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit And Fuel Injector Puller
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller

Power Stroke Package - BRAVO Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Hold Down Bolt Repair ProKit And Fuel Injector Puller

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Power Stroke Power: Egr Bolt, Hold Down Prokit, Exhaust Manifold Bolt

Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller With Air-Hammer Assisted Punch
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller
Power Stroke Package - ALPHA: Ford 6.7L Diesel EGR Mounting Bolt Repair & Fuel Injector Puller Kit
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller
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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller With Air-Hammer Assisted Punch
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller
Power Stroke Package - ALPHA: Ford 6.7L Diesel EGR Mounting Bolt Repair & Fuel Injector Puller Kit
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Fuel Injector Puller

Power Stroke Package - ALPHA: Ford 6.7L Diesel EGR Mounting Bolt Repair & Fuel Injector Puller Kit

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Egr Mounting Tube Bolt

Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nino
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nino
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nino
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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nino
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nino
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nino

Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Diesel EGR Tube Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nino

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Fuel Injector Bolt

Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair Kit
Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nico
Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nico
Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair Kit
Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nico
Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nico

Ford 6.7L Diesel Power Stroke Fuel Injector Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Nico

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6.7l Exhaust Manifold Bolt

Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Exhaust Manifold Broken Bolt
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Exhaust Manifold Broken Bolt-Prokit-Plus
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Exhaust Manifold Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Payton
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Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Exhaust Manifold Broken Bolt
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Exhaust Manifold Broken Bolt-Prokit-Plus
Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Exhaust Manifold Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Payton

Ford 6.7L Power Stroke Exhaust Manifold Broken Bolt Repair Kit - Payton

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Fuel Injector Seat Restorer

Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
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Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby
Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby

Ford Power Stroke 6.7L Fuel Injector Puller And Seat Repair Service Kit - Robby

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Power Stroke EGR Kit

Fuel Injector Bolt Video

Exhaust Manifold Video

Pull Fuel Injector Video

Bullit® Universal Adaptable Broken Bolt Extractor Kits

Universal BULLIT®: most versatile, most precise tool engineered for broken bolts, including exhaust & intake manifold, oil pan, valve cover etc. One kit, unlimited possibilities. BULLIT® has adjustable carriages that allow the tool to be configured to the exact bolt pattern of just about any linear bolt pattern, eliminating machine tolerances. Built to service virtually anything including import engines, vintage engines including and not limited to to Ford®, GM®, Dodge®, and even heavy-duty class 8 engines such as Volvo®, Caterpillar®, Cummins®, Detroit Diesel®, International®, John Deere®, Kubota®, etc. Bullit® ships complete as an Extractorless™ device; machine-shop-grade drill bits, tap and guide bushings eliminating the risk of a broken extractor.

Bullit® - Universal Bolt Extractor

PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
The Most Adaptable EMR Kit Available
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
The Most Adaptable EMR Kit Available
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor

BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor Adaptable to Any In-Line Bolt Pattern

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Bullit® - Universal Bolt Extractor

PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
The Most Adaptable EMR Kit Available
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
The Most Adaptable EMR Kit Available
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor
PMXU300PRO-BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor

BULLIT Universal Broken Bolt Extractor Adaptable to Any In-Line Bolt Pattern

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Bullit® - 8-Mm Bolt Extractor

BULLIT - 8mm Universal Adaptable Broken Bolt Extractor Tool
BULLIT - 8mm Universal Adaptable Broken Bolt Extractor Tool

BULLIT - 8mm Universal Adaptable Broken Bolt Extractor Tool

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Read Informative Articles on Ford Power Stroke Diesel Repairs

Ford Tech Removes Broken Extractor



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Jun 10, 2022 ProMAXX Tool Marketing

Many shops have multiple ProMAXX Tool Exhaust Manifold Repair ProPlates on hand so they have the right tool to handle almost any repair right when they need it.

The Rocky II ProPlate makes techs more productive when working on Ford gas 4.6L, 5.4L and 6.8L engines as well as the Power Stroke diesel 6.0L and 6.4L engines.

Broken extractors are no match for ProMAXX Tool’s Premium Platinum Tooling Drill Bits. They easily cut through Rockwell 85 HRB steel, which is harder than an extractor and broken stud.

When faced with broken studs, welding works sometimes, but not 100 percent of the time. ProMAXX Tool Kits are 100 percent effective, making repair times extremely predictable.


Like most northern climate repair shops, the service department at a Ford Dealership located 45 miles northwest of Detroit, frequently fixes diesel engines tasked with hauling heavy workloads in harsh weather conditions. From stressed-out farm trucks to time-weary transports, these experienced techs often butt heads with broken bolts caused by Michigan’s dramatic seasonal swings.
Tom Easterwood is a diesel tech with more than 38 years of experience. He regularly repairs everything on a truck ranging from the front end to the back bumper.
“Up here, the weather effects engines in many ways.” Easterwood said. “We see lots of rusted studs due to corrosion caused by calcium chloride, which is put down on dirt roads to alleviate dust in the summer. Then, of course, we get the devastating rust buildup thanks to tons of winter road salt.”
Recently, diesel tech Joe Baker came across an exhaust leak on a 2008 Ford F250 6.4L Power Stroke V-8 diesel. He assessed the situation and deduced that it was due to a broken rear exhaust manifold stud.
“I began to drill the bolt so I could insert a square-tipped extractor,” Baker said. “But, once I got the extractor in, it snapped off as soon as I turned it. I tried to use a torch to loosen it up a bit, but that didn’t help.”
Realizing this job just got a lot more complicated, Baker consulted with shop foreman Chris Lakso, who recommended that he use the ProMAXX Tool Rocky II Exhaust Manifold Repair Kit ( PMXRII200PRO) designed for Ford gas 4.6L, 5.4L and 6.8L engines as well as the Power Stroke diesel 6.0L and 6.4L engines.

“We picked up the updated exhaust manifold repair kit at a local vendor night a couple of years ago.” said Lakso. “Since then, we’ve used it many times. This kit is a time-saver and it helps reduce exhaust manifold repair costs for our customers. If we didn’t have a reliable tool to repair busted bolts right on the truck, we’d have to pull the cab and remove the cylinder head, which is a huge, expensive, and time-consuming ordeal.”

This is when Easterwood, the more experienced tech, took the job over. “Joe was having trouble with the repair,” said Easterwood. “So, I fastened down the Rocky II jig and attempted to drill out the broken bolt. But I ran into trouble. I spent hours drilling and all I had to show for it was five or six broken gold bits. I thought, what’s wrong with these things?”

Rocky II Exhaust Manifold Repair Kit

Rocky II Exhaust Manifold Repair Kit

At that point, they decided to call ProMAXX Tool Specialist Bill Lieb, who sold them the original kit. As luck would have it, Lieb and ProMAXX Tool founder Jeff Del Rossa were already in Michigan conducting tool demonstrations at several auto dealerships and independent shops. The pair quickly reset their GPS and arrived at the Ford dealership in less than an hour.

As soon as they got to the shop, Del Rossa went right to work to drill out the bolt. However, Del Rossa stopped and questioned, “Was this repair previously done somewhere else?” This is when Baker, the first tech to attempt the repair, walked by and mentioned the broken extractor, which the second repair team was completely unaware of.

ProDrill Platinum Drill Bits

ProDrill Platinum Drill Bits

“If I knew there was a broken extractor in that bolt, I would have taken a different approach to get it out,” said Easterwood. “Once we realized that, Jeff from ProMAXX brought out his Platinum Tooling (Drill) Bits and easily cut through both the bolt and extractor in less than 15 minutes.” With the proper tooling, the kit can easily complete a broken bolt repair and help rescue a previously botched job.

“The strength of Asian-made, tapered extractors is at best, unpredictable,” Del Rossa explained. “Free-hand drilling with no guide plate puts the initial repair attempt drastically off center. And, square-tipped extractors only turn left. This causes inferior tools to deform the stud, complicating the repair.”

Del Rossa, who grew up in the auto industry while working at his father’s Ford dealership as a teenager, talks the language of techs and develops precision specialty tools to help make shops more productive.

“When encountering a broken extractor, the first thing I do is use our Premium Platinum Tooling; consisting of specialized bits. The first step is to flatten the extractor and bolt remnants, removing any jagged edges that destroy drill bits,” he said.

Then, Del Rossa goes to work with his platinum tooling, that can easily cut through Rockwell 85 HRB steel, which is much harder than the extractor and broken stud. The combination of the kit’s precision guide plate, the end mill-flattened surface, and platinum tooling allows techs to quickly bore out both obstructions. Then, a ProMAXX® ProTap chases the threads and returns them to factory-new condition.

“When I talk to guys who work on a lot of diesels and EcoBoosts, I always recommend they pick up a Broken Extractor EZ Out Removal Kit when they purchase an Exhaust Manifold Repair Kit,” said Lieb an experienced tool specialist. “We engineered special USA-made Platinum tooling bits and end mills (ProMill Center Cutting Carbide Endmill) to remove broken extractors, cobalt drill bits and even taps. It’s always wiser and more expedient to have a backup plan on hand in case you come across a previously unsuccessful repair.”

Broken EZ Out Removal Kit

Broken EZ Out Removal Kits With Platinum Drill Bits

Easterwood explained that when faced with broken exhaust manifold bolts, he used to just try and weld them out. “In the past, welding has worked most of the time, but not 100 percent of the time. These kits are really well made, and they are 100 percent effective, making repair times extremely predictable,” he said.

“The jigs fit exactly, and the holes come out dead-center,” Easterwood said. “Now, the shop’s got both gold and platinum bits for our kits. Since we successfully used the exhaust manifold kit to turn this repair around, I’ll be sure to go to it next time we get a broken bolt. With the weather here in Michigan, the next time is probably right around the corner.”


What Tech Needs to Know About Thread Repair Kits


What Techs Need To Know About Thread Repair Kits For Broken Bolt Repair

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Feb 22, 2021 ProMAXX Tool Marketing
Thread repair kits have grown in popularity as replacement parts have become increasingly difficult to find. This is due to supply chain shortages and a rise in the cost of replacement parts. Thread repair kits allow for the removal and repair of damaged threads in a tapped hole. They can be replaced by chasing the threads using a thread chaser (a device designed to clean and restore factory threads) or installing an insert that contains new threads of the same size.
A thread repair kit is typically made up of a drill bit, tapping tool, an insertion tool and a threaded insert. An air or electric powered drill and a tap wrench are also required but are not usually standard in the kit. Thread repair kits are a cost-effective means of making a repair in a tapped hole without removing the part or parts containing the damage.
One of the most popular types of inserts is the Helicoil® insert. This insert consists of a small opening that engages with the insertion tool for an insert to be screwed into a tapped hole. The Helicoil® has a design of a tightly wound spring with a diamond cross-section. Though this type of insert may be simple to install, and relatively low-cost, it may not be as secure for a screw or bolt that will be under constant load (dimensional changes of the material it is installed in), high temperatures or torqued to a high level.
One of the most popular types of inserts is the Helicoil® insert This insert consists of a small opening that engages with the insertion tool for an insert to be screwed into a tapped hole. The Helicoil® has a design of a tightly wound spring with a diamond cross-section. Though this type of insert may be simple to install, and relatively low-cost, it may not be as secure for a screw or bolt that will be under constant load (dimensional changes of the material it is installed in), high temperatures or torqued to a high level.
Best application: Helical wire inserts are the way to go when cutting costs and minimizing space are priorities. In softer materials such as aluminum, titanium and magnesium alloys, they are especially helpful for making permanent strong threads and are ideally suited to lower heat and lower torque environments.
The Time-Sert® is another example of a thread repair kit that comes with an oversize drill bit relative to the nominal size of the tapped hole. This style insert is designed and equipped with accessories to drill and remove the old existing threads. The kit consists of a tap to create new threads, a counterbore drill to accommodate an insert flange, the insert which creates the new threads, the driver that inserts the Time-Sert® and a thread locking fluid to ensure the insert stays in place. Time-Sert® is a complete sleeve with threads on the outside diameter to be threaded into the hole and a stop flange to keep the sleeve from spinning inside the hole.
Best application: best in heavy wear, high vibration and high heat conditions, and hole depth is minimal.
The Helicoil® and Time-Sert® are easily found across the market. Although more expensive, the Time-Sert® is a more robust fix compared to the Helicoil® and depending on the criticality of the repair, may offer the right solution for the application. Though there are many options on the market, choosing the right insert depends on the difficulty of the repair, the application, and the cost of a replacement part. Overall, the Helicoil® is a less expensive alternative but can be difficult to install in tight spaces.
ProMAXX Prosert™ Inserts
Th ProMAXX® blind hole insert is designed with a thick wall for durability and made from stainless steel or black oxide coating for corrosion resistance. This high-quality, precision-made insert can withstand extreme temperatures and high torque applications that are often seen in fleet heavy and light-duty trucks.
The advantage of the ProMAXX® engineered inserts is that they completely isolate the fastener from the parent material being machined. This isolation further reduces corrosion via chemical reaction (particularly in aluminum) and because they are steel, can be machined out and replaced if necessary, in the future. ProMAXX® ProSerts™ are high-quality precision tooling and when used with the ProMAXX® thread repair kit, can speed a repair with the results of stronger holding than the original factory hole tapped in aluminum.
Moreover, there are no additional steps required when machining to accommodate the ProSert™. Simply follow the included instructions to drill the hole, apply Loctite®, then twist in the insert with the included ProMAXX insert tool. No breaking of a tab or machining for a flange is required. Best application: The blind hole insert is particularly useful when fixing an exhaust manifold bolt that was over-drilled, drilled off-center, or worse, a punctured water jacket in the cylinder head.
A difficult engine service made easy
Image caption - Nico ProSert for repairing damaged threads in the head
A Nico Prosert is a threaded insert for 6.7L cylinder head restoration. It offers a permanent repair solution for Power Stroke fuel injector hold-down bolts that break off due to compromised threads and excessive corrosion.
Nino Proserts are heavy-duty inserts made of stainless- or high-strength carbon steel that have two pins to lock them in or a liquid thread lock that provides a positive lock for a permanent repair that is stronger than the original fastener itself. The thick walls are durable and constructed for corrosion resistance. These high-quality precision-made inserts can withstand the high manifold temperatures and duty cycles of the Ford 6.7L Power Stroke diesel engine.
Best application: Nino & Nico 6.7L Power Stroke thread repair inserts were each engineered with a specific application in mind. They are not a universal solution but offer the highest quality thread repair for two frequent and troublesome locations where threads need to be repaired and strengthened.
The dogma of using inserts to make a repair with the advent of newer machining capabilities and material technologies are a thing of the past. Making a repair that is better than factory specs is a good thing! When you combine that with high-quality precision inserts such as ProMAXX® ProSerts™, you get one that looks better too. Aluminum is the predominant material of choice because of the weight-saving factors and environmentally sound practices. Transmissions, oil filter adapters, oil pans, intake manifolds and many other automobile parts can suffer from threads that have been pulled out or a stubborn bolt that has galled into the parent material. Machine shop precision is the key to success in this equation and not as simple as running the tap through the hole. A thread repair kit will not only save a repair but ensures that the problem will not reoccur the next time the area is serviced.
  • Use a drill bit and bushing of the correct size to drill out the damaged threads.
  • Tap the hole with a special thread to accept a threaded insert. Use the tap that is included in your thread repair kit.
  • Using the insertion tool, screw the threaded insert into the hole below the surface of the part.
  • Unscrew the tool used for insertion.
ProMAXX™ Tools exhaust manifold thread repair kit brings machine shop capability to the engine bay. Our kit includes a hardened steel precision bushing, machine-grade tooling bit, super sharp tap, and four 8mm x 125 black oxide hardened solid steel inserts. The thread repair kit restores stripped or damaged exhaust manifold mounting threads for better than factory spec repair. This kit works perfectly with any 200 Series ProMAXX™ ProKit and should be a staple item in all technicians’ toolboxes.
Essential Tools For Thread Repair

How to Replace an EGR Cooler 


How To Replace An EGR Cooler, Even When The Bolts Are Broken

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Jan 21, 2021 ProMAXX Tool Marketing


Replacing an EGR Cooler can be a discouraging but necessary task. Plugged EGR coolers are the leading cause of P0401 EGR insufficient flow codes. With a damaged EGR Cooler, the EGR system has a higher combustion temperature and poor performance. Follow these steps to ensure an easy replacement.


The EGR cooler is located on top of the passenger side valve cover. Besides the EGR pipes, only the air filter lid and intake tube need to be removed.


Place a drain pan below the radiator. Radiators have a petcock (shut-off) valve for draining or removing the lower radiator hose. Be sure to loosen the coolant cap to allow for airflow, turn the petcock valve and drain the cooling system. Both cooling systems need to be drained. The Ford 6.7 Power Stroke has two systems. One for the intercooler and EGR valve and one for the engine and EGR cooler.


Next disconnect the power-train control module (PCM), unbolt the bracket and remove it. Remove the inlet and outlet hoses from the EGR cooler. Squeeze and loosen the clamp and position it higher on the hose. Remove the EGR cooler and gaskets. Then remove the plastic intake tube and filter cover. On the front exhaust crossover pipe, unbolt all bolts and place it out of the way with the temp sensor remaining plugged in.


On the tube running from the EGR cooler to the exhaust manifold, locate the two bolts facing upwards on the up-pipe of the manifold. Spray these liberally with your favorite penetrating oil (try ProMAXX Bolt Blaster). Let the oil soak and then use patience while turning each bolt out.

Note: Should the bolts break, don’t panic. The Nino ProKit by ProMAXX was engineered to extract the broken EGR bolts quickly and easily with machine shop grade tooling; then it uses stainless steel inserts which will provide a permanent, on the truck repair with a stronger tensile strength than the OEM connection.

Remove the two push pins holding the passenger side injector insulator to the EGR cooler housing. Expel the two thrust pins holding the traveler side injector separators to the EGR cooler lodging.


On top of the cooler, detach all bolt attachment nuts. On the EGR cooler housing, pull up. It rides on dowels and is often difficult to break free from the manifold runners of the valve cover/intake.

The cooler is rather easy to disassemble from here. Begin by removing the bolts that connect the front housing to the cooler's foundation. Except for one bolt, the front housing bolts are not the ones at the top, but rather the ones at the stage below. Force the EGR cooler core out of the base is the final disassembly phase. Carefully pry it out of the front being cautious to not damage the sealing surface. Fill both cooling systems.

Hit each rod and stand on the base until the core becomes loose enough to remove and clean it. Remember to remove and replace the EGR Cooler seals on the backside.


Nino for EGR cooler replacement


If the entire system is cleaned and equipped to go, before installing the EGR cooler, lubricate the seals you hooked up and deploy the inner metal gasket first on to the foundation. Push the core down into the foundation with something flat when you reach the seals to finish moving it into the base. Reinstall your cooler EGR now. Install lower hose or close the petcock then install the refill the radiator with coolant. Finally, reconnect the negative battery cable and tighten it.

To see a video of the EGR cooler replacement in action, check out:

Detailed explanation of how to replace the EGR cooler core on 11-16 Ford 6.7l Diesel. Plugged EGR coolers are the leading cause of P0401 EGR insufficient flow codes. Over time the coolers plug with soot and prevent exhaust gasses from flowing through. Always follow OE procedures if you are unsure of what to do.

Videos courtesy of Nathan Reust from In The Shop.

If the EGR tube bolts break during the replacement, you can also check out In The Shop’s repair video:

In this video I review and show the process of the ProMaxx tools NINO tool kit. This kit was very well thought out and should save a ton of time especially if you work on the 6.7 Powerstroke often.

EGR Replacement Tools and Kits

ProMAXX® has done research on thousands of EGR repairs and has taken the guesswork out of the job. If you have questions on what tooling you need for your next repair, give the experts at ProMAXX® a call at 724.941.0941.

The refresher pack is intended for replenishment of 6.7L Power stroke EGR Tube Mounting Bolt Repair Kit (Nino).

Superior quality machine-shop-grade tooling made from M42 cobalt. Micro-edge for walk-free machining and quick penetration. Short length for tight areas, thin web for fast clean drilling and chip clearing.

ProMAXX® Power Stroke – ALPHA combines the synergy of two popular tool sets that make techs more productive while reducing the cost of operations when changing the EGR valve on the Ford 6.7L PowerStroke engine. And, the combo kit saves you $90. Two kits in one package delivers extra value and provides greater return on tool investment.

Three Tools Power Stroke Techs Should Own



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Sep 08, 2020 Riithink Riithink

Automotive and diesel technicians need a variety of tools to get cars, trucks and fleets back on the road and running at peak performance. Today, technicians are trained to use tools for diagnostic testing, electrical systems, and engine and exhaust repair. Along with these skills, technicians must learn how to get the jobs done efficiently.

When technicians are productive and avoid letting vehicles sit in the bay for days, their service managers will compensate and reward them. Some shops are paid a flat rate for work, while others will bill hourly. Either way, it pays for technicians to invest in having the right tool for the job. Here are three tools that ProMAXX Tool suggests every auto and diesel technician have in their toolbox.


The Ford Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS) can give complete diagnostic coverage of almost any Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicle. This tool gives technicians the ability to perform module reprogramming, key programming and a ton of other functions. It can be found at most Ford dealerships, making it a staple if your shop regularly works on Ford trucks and vehicles.

According to the National Institute for Automotive Service Technicians , having strong diagnostic skills and knowing how to use a tool like the Ford IDS can help you attain one of 40 different ASE Certifications. Technicians experience benefits for their career and compensation with these certifications. Not to mention, they are better equipped to handle Ford maintenance and repairs.


Diesel trucks have remained popular in both commercial fleets and for personal use. Their horsepower, torque and efficiency have made them an ideal investment when you need to haul heavy payloads and put a lot of miles on the engine.

Newer laws have required these trucks to introduce systems like the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system. EGR is a nitrogen oxide emission reduction system that recirculates a portion of exhaust gas back into the engine. The system reduces peak temperatures in the cylinder head.

The connection point where the EGR tube meets the engine head is prone to high temperatures and heavy corrosion. Therefore, when the tube is disconnected, there is always a likelihood that the bolts connecting the EGR tube can snap off.

A popular choice for many Ford Diesel Technicians is the Nino ProKit. This kit allows the technicians to drill these bolts out, over-drill into the manifold, then screw in a stainless steel insert that will handle temperatures that will not corrode the bolt when exposed to high heat and corrosive conditions.


Fuel injectors, particularly those within the 6.7L Power Stroke are prone to become stuck inside the engine head. They're held down with a u-shaped clamp which is bolted to the head. After thousands of miles and high-heat exposure, the rubber O-ring on the fuel injector can become corroded and fuse the injector to the head.

Many Ford technicians have tried an after-market tool that also bolts to the head, like the injector clamp, then using a cast metal fork to ratchet the fuel injector out of the engine. Though this tool has worked, it does require a bit of set-up time and can warp over a few uses, causing it to walk off the injector while pulling it out of the engine.

We recommend the PowerPull Lift Kit. This tool does not need to be bolted to the head and can pull an injector in under a minute. Also, being made from machined steel, it will last far longer than the previously mentioned tool. If that doesn't do it, the lifetime warranty it is covered by should.

Technicians are under the gun to get trucks out of the service bay and back on the road. With a limited number of technicians coming into the field, the people in this profession are looking for more ways to become more productive. ProMAXX Tool's main objective is to provide these technicians with tools that make them more productive and confident professionals that can tackle any job that comes their way.

Power Stroke Kits From ProMAXX Tool


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